Have you ever wanted to have a classy night out but didn’t want to go to some long philharmonic show at which the orchestra plays songs you don’t know? I feel so lucky that we have the Fever (feverup.com) Candlelight Concert series available in a ton of cities now including Los Angeles, Tampa, AND St. Petersburg! I’ve attended these candlelight concerts from California to Florida and enjoy them every time!
Videogame Themes: Los Angeles
My first Candlelight Concert I bought tickets to on a whim because there was no way I could resist the videogame themes! It was a beautiful and cozy setting in the Immanuel Presbyterian Church in los Angeles. I think my mom was more excited than I was! They played videogame classics including from Halo, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Final Fantasy. I would have LOVED for them to play Assassin’s Creed, it was the only thing they were missing!

Anime Themes: Tampa
I was ecstatic to find the Fever was coming to Tampa! We attended the anime themed show at Centro Asturiano de Tampa, which had a theater-style feel. I recognized a couple songs including Moonlight Densetsu from Sailor Moon. The setlist ended with a Studio Ghibli Medley which definitely made me want to go to the Studio Ghibli museum in Japan.

Disney Themes: St. Petersburg
Finally I went to a candlelight concert on my own. Since it was a Disney themed one and I just could not resist! As the quartet went through The Lion, The Little Mermaid, Jungle Book, and so many more I couldn’t help but be on the verge of tears with each song! This concert was arranged in the grand ballroom of a nearby hotel and restaurant Birchwood, a much more cozy setting. I love the variety of spots at which the concerts are held!

The staff is always so friendly and the event is always so well-organized. The descriptions of the pieces that the musicians provide before each set are interesting. It breaks the music up in the perfect way to keep us engaged. Pro tip: Line up as early as possible and choose any seat as central as possible that has the least rows occupied in front of you!
These Candlelight Concerts, from California to Florida, are truly the perfect gift and low-key but very delightful outing!