*This is a PIP (post in progress) :)*
^Very first picture taken on my solo Europe trip! I wasn’t really tired since I got enough rest on the Chicago to Switzerland leg, but did feel not really “put together.” Definitely more put together than when I was in similar situations in the past though LOL. I had just been handed a very detailed, beautiful map of Prague and was finding my way to my Air BnB.
This is me literally just posting SOMEthing to get going with this blog…literally just copying as pasting from my phone:
Japan 2019:
Flip flops for hostel
Check if the museum/site has a line first
Meds of all kinds are available
Side purse
Order money in advance – a lot
Earplugs and mask to sleep
Anti wrinkle spray
Make up wipes
Liquid soap, when run out buy or use shampoo
+/- detergent? Consider just buying there, because hostels typically have detergent. Or bring a couple tide pods!!!
Stock up on convenience store food/snax
Don’t bring sweet loose snacks (unless it’s candy!)
1-2 savory snacks and bars. You don’t need to bring a ton of stuff from home, just buy snacks at the place.
Water bottle
Tote for stuff the next morning – hostel
Running gear
Thicker neck pillow if bringing
Get OUT of the station then assess transport options
“Express” means it skips some stops
Look at outside landmarks to determine which exit to take at a station
Bus stop with same name may be on different part/side of the street?
Look at where it is lit up to know where to line up at a station
Towels at check in
Can cross street underground
Small loufa
Separate souvenir bag – although go for small souvenirs, personalized chopsticks are the best from Japan and pretty cheap!
You do go through American security at an international connection (Canada) – specific global entry kiosk
Less than 100mL alcohol bottles on board allowed if international connecting
Bring earplugs, you never know who will be snoring right next to you in a hostel!
You can use your Apple watch to vibrate you awake if you are jetlagged but want to get a head start to the day/getting ready without bothering others.
Boston 2021:
Europe 2021:
Write down or think about one thing you learned/takeaway from each museum/exhibit. That’ll make it worth it.
Check and see how far/how long your ticket will take you before purchasing a transfer ticket
Check for nearby parks to just sit
IT’S OKAY TO HAVE LEFTOVER FOREIGN MONEY. Even if it’s 10, 15, 20 dollars, there will always be cute/nice stuff at the airport and it gives you an excuse to use it up/stock up on stuff. ESP Duty free stuff is super nice and they have mini sizes of things 🙂
Can minimize souvenirs, small and local, nothing that can be bought online or in the states
You can always at least try to take your carry on and then get “charged” at the gate but usually they never charge. Even international!
Wear a KN95
You’re going to lose money here and there because of exchanging currency, not knowing the best price for something/minor tourist traps, and paying for certain things such as food or entrance into places that may not have felt like it was “good” or “worth it.” IT’S OKAY. It’s a forge in country, the fact that you’re there and doing it is impressive. Just be as smart as is reasonably possible about expenses and don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s not worth your vacation time.
Don’t assume another place will have a bathroom, some hole in the wall places don’t
Read the menu carefully or actually see what you’re getting, it could be different from what you are expecting or used to
Pay attention to your surroundings ALWAYS
Always say yes to the temporary exhibits, be a patron of the arts, you’re only going to go there once and these museums/institutions need to keep going on
You’re going to lose at least something or things, don’t sweat it, even if you feel that thing was “important,” obviously be careful with your phone and valuables but things happen so don’t sweat especially the small stuff, they are replaceable (and we’re probably germy anyway lol)
NO touristy souvenir shops generally (with some exceptions)
You don’t have to order still water to save money, just take sips from your own bottle, no one cares